Cellarium  Christian Spirituality - Products from Monasteries Deutsch
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Cellarium (lat.): storage cellar
Books on Monasteries and Churches:

Abbey of Lilienfeld - pictures of silence

Buch Lilienfeld_titel_neuak

The picture collection from the Abbey of Lilienfeld, Austria. In Lilienfeld lies the largest medieval monastic complex of Austria: with the medieval cloister, the chapter hall, the dormitory for the lay brothers, the cellar and the largest church of Lower Austria. It was founded 1202. The book presents strong and meditative pictures. (demo: selected pages)

14.00 Euro

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Gurk Cathedral - Picture Impressions

Dom zu Gurk_titelseite_neuak

14.00 Euro

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Dom zu Gurk: Band aus Kärnten

15.00 Euro

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Books on Monasteries and Churches
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Illustrated Books (Monastery Architecture, Art, etc.)